Monday, August 5, 2013


My workout of choice is yoga.  Don't let anyone tell you that it is not a workout.  If you think it's easy, then you are not doing it correctly.  Try a poses or hot yoga class.  Sounds simple huh?  Try holding those poses for 2-3 minutes.  Down dog for 3 minutes while sweat drips in your eyes?  Your arms start to shake and you want to collapse.  There is a peace that you feel after class that is unmistakeable and after the first time it clicked with me, I was hooked.

So, my yoga studio started offering a meditation class.  I thought, oh good.  Maybe this will help me learn why my thoughts go everywhere, but where I am.  For an hour long class, 30 min where spent talking.  And very slowly.  I wasn't sure if he wanted us to meditate on his words or he just wasn't sure what he was going to say.  Then we finally begin.  It would have been better if I had several pillows under my bum and my legs.  I couldn't relax because I kept focusing on my aching hips and back, as well as hearing him say "hopefully.  hopefully all beings will have happiness and the causes of happiness"   Where was the silence?   Not all was lost.  I did learn one thing.  At the point that I realize that my thoughts have went elsewhere and I bring it back to the present...this is success.  Uhhhh huh.

So I decide to do the 21 day meditation challenge from the Chopra Center.  I can relax in my own home. I'll just lie down in bed and turn on the guided meditation.  I start listening.  Sounds great....relationships are the focus...."I could use that", "ok, I am at peace and open to the answers to good relationship building"..... zzzzzzzzz    "Damn it".  I must have been too relaxed.   "How am I going to find myself and have great relationships if I keep falling asleep".  So tonight I will try to sit up in bed with my back against the headboard for support and find enlightenment.
Wish me luck.

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